J Grennan & Sons have a top class Crop Agronomy and Animal Nutrition advisory service in place for our customers. We believe that the provision of such a service is crucial. We want to help you make informed decisions so that you can optimise output and profitability.
Soil Analysis, Soil Structure management, Nutrient Management, Crop Rotations, Crop Selection, Projected Margins, Choosing varieties, Weed Control, Disease Management, Crop Preservation & Storage.
Apart from the overall management issues, there is now an almost endless array of inputs available for any one farm task.
In addition, modern farm inputs were never more expensive relative to the value of farm produce.
The correct choice and utilization of these inputs is of crucial importance to the profitability of your business and our advisory team is in place to help you make the right decisions for the long term viability of your business
Feed & Diet Formulation, Home Mixed Rations, Winter Fodder Management, Dairy Diets, Beef & Lamb Finishing Diets, Forage Crop Management, Seed variety selection, Sward Establishment, Sward Rejuvenation, Grazing Management, Perennial Weed Control,
This is a highly complex area and needs careful consideration if any level of profitability is to be maintained. That’s why we employ highly qualified ruminant nutritionists whose specific role is, not alone to formulate our feedstuffs, but also to work closely with all our customers, beef, dairy & sheep farmers alike, to critically analyse the nutrition of their animals and to make recommendations that will make a real difference to the profitability of their business.