- A reduction in time spent agitating – most farmers report a reduction by half or more of the normal time spent agitating, saving on contractor or diesel costs.
- Fewer blockages which is Ideal for use with LESS equipment.
- Less likely to need to add water at agitation time – saving time, and maintaining slurry quality.
- In composted/oxygenated slurry, fewer gasses will build up
- An indicator that there is less ammonia build up compared to untreated slurry. Less ammonia means there will be more available nitrogen, and so, a higher value slurry with less pollution.
- Also helping to keep on good terms with the neighbours.
- Slurry treated with Slurry Boost is a biologically friendly soil conditioner. It washes into the soil very quickly, providing a ready meal for the soil microorganisms needed to mineralise soil nutrients.
- Plants don’t live in isolation, and a healthy soil microbial community is essential for the mineralisation of nutrients before they can be taken up by your crop.
The production, storage and application of slurry contributes significantly to air pollution, through the release of ammonia.
Better management of slurry such as using LESS equipment, applying at the right times, and using slurry additives such as Grennans Slurry Boost will reduce those emissions and increase the amount of available nutrients getting to your grass – Adding Value to your Slurry.
While the P and K levels in slurry are relatively stable, N levels are changeable. Urea is the main form of N in fresh slurry. Urea is rapidly converted to ammonia, which is a volatile form of N and easily lost to the atmosphere. In oxygenated conditions, ammonia is converted to nitrate, a less volatile form of N. Slurry is an anaerobic environment, which slows the conversion of ammonia to nitrate and encourages the buildup of ammonia. Grennans Slurry Boost composts your slurry, which reduces ammonia N losses by facilitating a quick conversion from ammonia to nitrate.
Slurry and farmyard manure cannot be spread on land from 15th October (slurry) and 1st November (FYM), until Jan 12th (Zone A), Jan 15th (Zone B) or Jan 31st (Zone C).
Zone A – 12th January: Carlow, Cork, Dublin, Kildare, Kilkenny, Laois, Offaly, Tipperary, Waterford, Wexford, Wicklow.
Zone B – 15th January: Clare, Galway, Kerry, Limerick, Longford, Louth, Mayo, Meath, Roscommon, Sligo, Westmeath.
Zone C – 31st January: Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan.
- Agitate on windy days
- Remove all livestock and control pets
- Open all doors and control access
- Agitate/Ventilate and stay away for 30 minutes
- Work upwind at all times
- Do not enter tanks, even when empty
- Keep tank openings secure at all times
- If possible, avoid agitating alone