Our grass seed mixtures are designed to maximise the productivity of your grassland. Custom blends are available. Talk to any member of our highly experienced technical team.
5.5kg AberGain
3.0kg AberChoice
2.5kg Drumbo
0.5kg Coated White Clover
11.5 kgs
Key Features:
- Exceptional digestibility for higher intakes and animal performance.
- Excellent spring and autumn growth.
- Gives a leafy palatable sward and high utilisation.
AberGain (T) – A proven performer on Irish farms. Highest variety overall on the 2019 Teagasc Pasture Profit Index (PPI). Excellent Spring, Autumn and total yield.
AberChoice – Highest late diploid on PPI. Unbeatable total yield and autumn growth. Highest quality diploid on 2019 PPI.
Drumbo – Exceptional Spring and Autumn growth and very high quality.
2.0 kg Briant
2.5 kg Dunluce
3.0 kg Drumbo
3.5kg Aberchoice
0.5 kg Coated White Clover
Key Features:
- A high performing dual-purpose mixture suited to either grazing or silage systems.
- Exceptional digestibility and palatability.
- Excellent sward density and persistency.
Briant (T) – New late tetraploid variety. Briant combines excellent seasonal yield and quality. Ideallyn suited to grazing or mixed silage/grazing systems.
Dunluce (T) – Excellent seasonal and total yield with exceptional quality. Superb silage yields. A dual purpose variety suited to both intensive grazing and silage cutting.
Drumbo – High ground score with good seasonal yields and very high quality .
AberChoice – Highest late diploid on Teagasc PPI. Unbeatable total yield and Autumn growth. Highest quality diploid on Irish RL.
2.5 kg AberClyde
2.0 kg Dunluce
3.5 kg AberGreen
3.5 kg AberWolf
Key Features:
- An ultra reliable silage mixture designed to deliver high yield and quality for a 2-cut silage system.
- A high yielding, high quality silage mix suited to a 1st cut late in May or early June.
- Produces rapid regrowth after cutting with a highly digestible leafy aftermath.
Contains varieties:
AberClyde (T) – Excellent total and silage DM yields with exceptional digestibility values.
Dunluce (T) – Excellent seasonal and total yield with exceptional quality. Superb silage yields. A dual purpose variety suited to both intensive grazing and silage cutting.
AberGreen – Intermediate diploid with exceptional PPI rating of €182. Exceptional seasonal growth and maintains quality throughout the year whilst also providing a thick base.
AberWolf – Highest 1st and 2nd cut silage yields and very good quality on the Teagasc PPI. Very dense, having the highest ground score on the Irish RL.
2.0 kg Ballintoy
4.5 kg Clanrye
4.5 kg Drumbo
0.5 kg Coated White Clover
11.5 kgs
Key Features:
- Designed for heavy soils.
- Specially selected persistent varieties for high ground score to reduce poaching risk.
- A high quality mixture to promote good intakes in poorer ground conditions.
- Will form a dense sward with a good base.
Contains varieties:
Ballintoy (T) – New for 2019, Ballintoy delivers strong seasonal yield and high quality persistence.
Clanrye – Clanrye has a good total yield performance with excellent figure for 2nd cut silage yield. A late heading diploid which forms a dense sward giving excellent mid-season DM yield.
Drumbo – High ground score with good seasonal yields and high digestibility values.