At present, the level of reseed taking place on farms in Ireland is far too low and needs to be increased. In order for your grassland to be productive, the farm must be comprised of perennial ryegrass dominated swards.

Recent Moorepark research shows that old permanent pastures produce, on average, 3 t DM/ha/year less than perennial ryegrass dominated swards.

Reseeding is a highly cost effective investment. With regular reseeding the grass growth capacity of the farm can be increased substantially and this in turn means the annual return on investment is large.

Reasons to reseed:

  • Increased sward productivity (15 – 25%). Difference between old and new swards is 3t DM/ha – which enables animal numbers to be increased.
  • New grass varieties have excellent spring & autumn growth.
  • Much improved grass quality (feeding value). Moorepark have found that reseeded swards give typically 8% higher milk output per hectare.
  • Helps to increase the number of grazing days.
  • Improved regrowth following grazing/cutting.
  • More Nitrogen responsive swards (+5kg DM/kg N).
  • Reduced overall silage requirement. Also the silage that is made is of better quality & easier to preserve.
  • Eliminate old non-productive paddocks/fields & weed infested paddocks.
  • Increasing the productive capacity of the grazing platform.
  • Saving on meals – good grassland farmers are feeding meals to supplement quality grass in order to optimise animal performance – rather than feeding meals to compensate for poor quality grass.
  • Allows white clover/perennial ryegrass pastures to establish.
  • Increases grass utilisation.


Beans & Cereals


Ireland and indeed the EU in general has for a long time, been deficient in sources of protein for both human and animal feed. To satisfy the demand we see huge tonnages of high protein feeds products of such as, Soyabean, Maize Gluten, Palm Kernal & Rapemeal being imported each year (22 million tonnes in 2008). Most of these imported animal feedstuffs are by-products of various food and non-food industries and as such have been tampered with one way or another to varying degrees.

Early on in the development of our Animal feed business we identified a real gap in the supply chain for an unadulterated, home grown, high quality protein source to compliment and balance our locally produced cereals. We set about trying to find a protein crop that could be grown in Ireland and after a few years of growing and feeding trials on local farms we found all the answers we were looking for in the plant Vicia Faba…otherwise known as the Field Bean

We have now perfected the propagation, storage and utilisation of Field Beans in Animal Feeds in Ireland and would be widely seen as pioneers of the crop in this country.


Here at Grennans we offer a unique cereal cooking service. This process gives us extremely high levels (over *98%) of starch gelatinisation /cooking. It is currently the one and only animal feed cooking process on the island of Ireland capable of delivering such high starch gelatinisations.

It involves a unique steam pressure release treatment that effectively “pops” the grains, making them a lot more digestible. We have found this cooking to be beneficial in the diets of young calves & lambs. The Maize Nuggets that are a signature ingredient of all Nugget rations are made using this process.

The greatest benefits to achieving such high levels of starch gelatinisation in a cereal cooking process are to be had in the nutrition of non – ruminants i.e. pig, poultry & pet diets.

Cooked cereals can be a very beneficial component in the diet of piglets in the pre weaning and early post weaning stages. Conventional steam cooking processes typically deliver maximum starch gelatinisations in the order of 60%. When compared to the 98% + we are achieving, with our “popping” process there is obviously great potential for improved performance.

We are currently undertaking a research trial with one of Ireland’s leading research centre’s to determine the effect of including our unique puffed maize in a pig’s diet. So far we have seen very positive results indicating to us that puffed maize can cause greater weight gain in younger pigs.


Brian Grennan Transport

We’ll get it there as it left here – on time every time

Established in 2009, Brian Grennan Transport has been catering for haulage services. This relatively new fleet of both artic and rigid lorries offers a punctual and reliable service. The fleet is comprised of blowers, curtain-siders with moffet for independent unloading, and tipper lorries.

Our drivers are highly trained and skilled in (insert Health & Safety course).
No yard is too small or inaccessible for our rigid lorries and highly skilled drivers.
Grennans lorries travel the length and breadth of the country.
Drivers take great pride in the quality of the product they deliver and the way in which it is presented to the farmer upon delivery.

All your major requirements can be put on the one lorry – this creates massive
savings in diesel, wear and tear, time and heartache. Our central location in
Ireland gives us a definite cost advantage.

The greatest benefits to achieving such high levels of starch gelatinisation in a cereal cooking process are to be had in the nutrition of non – ruminants i.e. pig, poultry & pet diets.

Cooked cereals can be a very beneficial component in the diet of piglets in the pre weaning and early post weaning stages. Conventional steam cooking processes typically deliver maximum starch gelatinisations in the order of 60%. When compared to the 98% + we are achieving, with our “popping” process there is obviously great potential for improved performance.

We are currently undertaking a research trial with one of Ireland’s leading research centre’s to determine the effect of including our unique puffed maize in a pig’s diet. So far we have seen very positive results indicating to us that puffed maize can cause greater weight gain in younger pigs.